Font Development

After discussing my ideas with my tutors I decided to re-look at fonts to be certain that the one I had picked was the best. The font I have chosen (Sofia Pro) is very geometric and uses harsh lines. Compared to the background which is more free flowing. Therefore I decided to experiment with some looser/more organic fonts:

I thought I bolder, heavier font could work well because it would be seen against the busy background. I looked at the above fonts initially. From this I experimented with 3 of them:


Screen Shot 2019-02-14 at 09.30.18.png


I tried recolouring the text, however it gets lost amongst the background. I then tried just the white using the bevel alpha to make it look like the background itself. However it stand out too much and looks plonked on the background rather than subtly integrated.


Qanelas soft pro - font experiment.png

I experimented with this font however I don’t think it is working at all. It makes the channel look clunkier and less trendy. It stands out too much that it’s overpowering. The heaviness of it makes it look less sleek and professional.


I then looked at the original font I chose again but the ‘soft’ version’. This is more rounded and ‘friendly’ to look at. However I still don’t think it looks as good as the first choice. It gets more lost on the page when it’s only outlined but too overpowering and child like once filled in.


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I then looked at this wackier/arty font. The circles could be animated nicely. However, I think its fighting against the background even more. It’s harder to read too and looks too busy I my opinion.

After this research I am still happier with my first choice of font – Sofia Pro. However I do want to see if I can re-work/re-construct the font itself to look more pleasing to the eye.

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