
  Overall I think my final ident works well. The intended target audience for the channel was teenagers and I feel it suits this age range. The trendy colours and hip hop style soundtrack contribute to making it feel fresh and fun. My research helped me a lot in not only understanding the programme, after […]


After choosing which track would suit my animation I used after effects to add this music. After looking at tutorials it is clear that after effects isn’t too good with audio editing, however there are a few effects and presets that can be used and you can fade out the music easily. For what I […]

Music Possibilities

Using different free music sites I listened to different playlists, and found that the Youtube Audio Library had a better choice. This one is from the free audio section on youtube. This was on the playlist ‘Hip Hop and Rap’. I like how its full of energy but doesn’t have any lyrics in. I think […]

Music – Research

The Soundtrack to my ident will be important in reaching my preferred audience of teenagers. I wanted to research this further to see what music genre’s are preferred in this age range and what music is popular at the moment. Above are the top popular artists. A lot of these artists come under similar genres. […]

Ident Development

  After re-watching the above version with several of my tutors it was apparent that my identity itself was getting lost in the background. This could be down to the text stroke thickness and font or even the animation itself. After experimenting with fonts and determining what will work I now want to look into […]

Font Development 2

After looking in to fonts previously I wanted to try and adapt the original font I was using. Neville Brody did this to the Channel 4 typeface, which is used in their brand identity. Brody changed the font slightly to reflect the imagery and shapes being used in the ident itself. I want to experiment […]

Font Development

After discussing my ideas with my tutors I decided to re-look at fonts to be certain that the one I had picked was the best. The font I have chosen (Sofia Pro) is very geometric and uses harsh lines. Compared to the background which is more free flowing. Therefore I decided to experiment with some […]


I developed the paper terrain effect further to incorporate the brand identity using the story board below:   To do this I used a mask circle shape on a solid layer. This mask disperses the effect to the edges. I made the background the pink magenta colour so the circles stand out. I used the […]

Paper Terrain Effect

After finding an extremely useful website (cited below) I came across this tutorial. I liked the layering effect as it gives more depth and interest. It made me think of the paper cut and 3D design trends that I have seen previously in my research. .I also liked that I could potentially combine by ‘blob’ […]

Lava Lamp Effect

After experimenting previously with a lava lamp effect background I decided to develop this further. To do this I used the same effect – Mr Mercury, changing the birth size, death size and resistance. Before the blobs got too dense, by changing these parameters I was able to make a more fluid animation. I then […]